Do Pharmacy Technicians get regulated in New Mexico?
Yes, Pharmacy Technicians do get regulated in New Mexico.
Is certification required for one to practice as Pharmacy Technician in New Mexico?
Yes, pharmacy technicians are required to get certification before they can practice in New Mexico.
What are the approved certification exams required by the New Mexico State Board of Pharmacy?
The approved certification exams include PTCB (PTCE) and ICPT (ExCPT).
When does Pharmacy Technician registration starts?
Registration is needed by the Pharmacy Technician before employment starts.
Is Pharmacy Technician licensure required in New Mexico?
Yes, pharmacy technicians are required to get a license.
What should I do to become a License Pharmacy Technician?
- Submit a written pharmacy technician application to the New Mexico State Board of pharmacy requesting for registration as pharmacy technician.
- Include a nonrefundable application fee of $30.
- Must be nationally certified. If you are not certified, one must complete a Board-approved training program with a minimum of 220 hours and pass the PTCE or ExCPT within one year of registering.
Is training required for Pharmacy Technicians in New Mexico?
Yes, the pharmacist-in-charge is responsible in overseeing the training of the pharmacy technician.
Are Pharmacy Technicians required to have a Continuing Education or CE?
No, however, to maintain your national certification you are required to complete twenty units of continuing education every two years.
How often is the Pharmacy Technician License renewal required?
It is required biennially. Registration expires on the last day of the pharmacy technician€™s birth month with a renewal fee of $30.
What must be done if I change jobs or change my home address?
The New Mexico State Board of Pharmacy must be notified in writing within 10 days.
Other New Mexico Pharmacy Technician requirements to keep in mind:
- Certificates must be displayed at a designated place in the pharmacy and must wear a name tag at all times identifying themselves as the pharmacy technician.
- The pharmacy technician may only perform functions that do not require professional judgment.
- The supervising pharmacist is the only person responsible for all actions of the pharmacy technician.
- The supervising pharmacist may handle up to four pharmacy technicians in the pharmacy.
New Mexico Board of Pharmacy
Office: 5200 Oakland N.E., Suite A. Albuquerque, NM 87113
Telephone: 505-222-9830 or 800-565-9102
Fax: 505-222-9845
Professional Association for New Mexico pharmacy techs:
New Mexico Pharmacists Association